Most of the posts thus far have been about design and the technicalities of the Adobe programs. I find blogs of this sort very useful when I can't find the shortcut in the program itself. I want to add to the database of information, help others, and make a contribution to the community that I find effective: user blogs.
However, I'd like to take a turn from the current path of tutorials, and dive into something deeper. I'd like to interject book critiques into this blog. I've thought about creating a new blog entirely, however, since books and literature are considered art, I feel that they have a place on this post also. Not only can a you find out about aligning decimals in InDesign, but you may also scroll past a book review that grabs your attention.
Many times we become sucked into our jobs and don't visit ideas outside our field. This comes back to my older post "Specialization vs Globalization. Sometimes creative blocks can be solved by inspiration from unlikely sources. In the past, I've been spurred into creativity by puddles of water, the seatbelt beep in my car, and wafting cat hair in my livingroom. Taking a look outside of our everyday "creative job" and looking into unrelated or other threads of creativity can often help kick start our sluggish days.